Socialeyes Media

Socialeyes Media provides effective social media strategies and contemporary and savvy online marketing solutions for small businesses. <3

Don’t have time for social media, or just don’t know where to begin?
I can help you.

Socialeyes Media specialises in building effective social media and online strategies for small businesses, I am passionate about social media and passionate about helping small businesses grow. With extensive sales & online marketing experience within the tourism industry, from small local businesses to large chains (Sheraton Mirage), I can help you establish your presence online and on the social networks that make the most sense for your business. Then manage & grow that online presence to build relationships with your audience, drive brand awareness, connect with customers and attract ideal prospects.

As a genuine part of people’s lives, social media is a powerful and cost-effective way to build deep relationships with your customers, through word of mouth marketing and understand what your customers are thinking. With the right knowledge and approach, social media marketing can transform your sales and your entire business. Socialeyes Media will work with you to create a customised strategy to achieve the individual goals of your business, manage your social media presence and reach your target audience where they interact.

Social Media is constantly evolving and that’s why it’s vital to stay on top of the latest technology and trends… But who has the time?
I do. It's my passion and it's what I do well.

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Consulting/business services